my winter setup is ready
do you think this is overcrowded? this was inspired by u/CrazyPenguinHUN
I've been waiting for your call
I thought mine was good, but i was blown away by everyone's creativity on this subreddit
It's that easy
Siapa WNI yang masih hidup saat ini yang cocok jadi pemimpin/presiden Indonesia saat ini?
Shooter that makes you feel like John wick
Rumput Tetangga
Indonesia Gelap
Wts akun valo 7.5jt
hello i am new here. this is my fav character rn. take my offering.
New business idea just dropped
Euthanasia anjing di jakarta di mana?
Motorola Resmi Kembali ke Indonesia, Bawa HP Moto G45 5G
This sub turn into another news platform?
KAI KF-21 Boramae
Megawati Perintahkan Kepala Daerah PDIP Siaga dan Tunda Retreat dengan Prabowo
Are ya winning, son?
View #IndonesiaGelap dari BI.
Kenapa orang lampau menemukan pulau K dan menamakannya sulawesi? Apakah mereka bodoh?
Games where you only have the weapons the story give you
Working as a court clerk might make you feel like a fanfic writer, huh?
The hell happened to this sub?
Dragunov sniper rifle