Hand muscles cramp up constantly and are in pain
worried about dating as a black agnostic
🌈Monthly QWOC Matchmaking Thread🌈
Saw ex flirting with friend of mine, feeling hurt
People telling me I’m too messed up when it’s not true?
Need some bra advice plzzz
Masc and butch folks, do you shave your legs?
Tips for entering into a group of people that’s already chatting?
why is my xp farm not working?
What’s you type and who do you end up attracting?
Mango peanut butter wrap
Black history month
How do I know I'm genderfluid?
Are bi/pan women expected to not pursue women if they haven’t been with one?
When do you use which pronouns?
being late isn't cute
Is body count really important?
Do you aim to look androgynous or masc/fem? Or both simultaneously?
I am happy in my relationship, but I feel uncompleted (closed dyad)
What‘s normal for wlw sex but weird to straight people?
Is this a sign of arthritis?
I’m not sure what is wrong with my hands?
Is this signs of arthritis?
New necklace
I still think of my first girlfriend.