Who wants the Democrats to actually do something? MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
Where does this fit on the gods trying to be human/humans trying to be gods scale?
How would you feel about a proper Socialist Faction being in the next game?
When people stop getting punished for being thing, more people are willing to admit that they’re thing? It must be brainwashing!
Boils my blood.
They called me "Kid New Deal". Later on it was "Kid Great Society". Then "Kid Neo Liberalism". And finally "Kid Democrat".
Every weapon in colonialism is a boomerang
"Help, a maniac is destroying my country! Over." "Thank God that's over. I was worried there for a second."
Remember when men weren’t allowed to vote?
With Slotkin getting sh*t from the left for her Trump rebuttal, and now Newsom for his stance on trans athletes, I think it’s important to understand the shift the Democratic party is going to make in the coming years…
Poor predictable Democrats; always take the high road.
The Democrats gave Trump the beating of his life
Donald’s speeches are back! In meme form!
We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas.
I have asked you nicely to stop mangling my country!
Liberals are a fucking joke.
Any good leftist YouTube gaming channels?
The People Complaining about Fable "Going Woke" are Just Proving they Never Played the Games
Invading Prussians? Gentlemanly conduct. Angry poor workers? MASS SUMMARY EXECUTIONS.
I don't see how the Enclave has any claim to being the US government.
My back is spineless. My belly is yellow. I am Moe
Right-Wing Women, one of the main sources in The Witch Trials Of JK Rowling, is back in print today for the first time since the 80's!
Films and TV that the crew have mentioned
A photo depicting a member of the Grey's Scouts about to use a noose to drag a prisoner behind his horse in Rhodesia
Yes, yes Mr. Sherman. Everything is woke.
We’ve got three fascists and no healthcare. Why can’t we have no fascists and three healthcare?