Was Sakura right to lie about loving Naruto? Even Stevie Wonder saw through that BS
Do you think Tsunade gave Sakura the same advice Jiraiya tried to give Naruto after the Sasuke Retrieval Arc?
You can't win if you're a girl in naruto fandom despite rin having few amount of screentime to shine she still get hate. The number of posts I saw on tik tok calling her names🙁 she did nothin but being nice but they prefer to blame her for obito change instead of madara who groomed obito
What powers would you give a hypothetical Slug sage mode Sakura?
Sakura is not as useless as people suggest.
I don’t get the people who say Konan is a well written female character.
Who wishes Giovanni had more of a presence as a villain in the original series?
Ultimate kunoichi showdown! Who’s coming out on top?
What type of relationship do those too have to convince him to with her !
I’m on chapter 70 of Naruto, people say Sakura’s character peaked here, is this true?
Why didn't Naruto use talk no jutsu against Kaguya? Is he stupid?
What's a movie or tv show you think isn't talked about enough despite everyone claiming to have seen it.
MONSTA CARDO! Color Corrected.
Remember this cursed app?
Why didnt Naruto leave a clone at the office and go to Himawaris birthday instead? Is he stupid?
"Naruto has no good female characters" lol
Sakura fans this yall girl that y’all hype up so hard talking about she beats madara let’s stop it🤣🤣
This was the most controversial scene in the anime/manga. Some hate it, some love it. What do you think of this Sakura scene? 🤔
Times when Sakura was a good friend.
Giving Hinata Hyūga another motivation besides Naruto
How it feels being a Sakura fan in this subreddit:
Which characters got little consequences for there actions?
Let's improve Ino Yamanaka
"I miss when Naruto was just about ninjas". Literally the first 10 seconds