What can you say in a blizzard that also works in the bedroom?
what’s something that’s widely considered ‘common knowledge’ but is actually completely wrong?
Another page similar for adult questions?
How do you shower with guests around?
Why does Reddit's vote count start at 1 and not 0?
Which do you think is more powerful. The written word or the spoken word and why?
Girls what does multiple eye contact means?
When *average* naked bodies are shown in movies, why are the male ones typically portrayed as funny but the female ones as attractive?
What's the best reponse to you're very ugly?
What makes humans special?
Why do we need to " have the same vibe" in order to listen?
What are some jobs that people think pay well but in actuality don’t?
If humans and chimps share a common ancestor why do humans and pigs have so much in common genetically?
Men get an erection when they are sexually stimulated or excited. Do women get a “feeling” down there or something else?
Why is no one helping Ye when he clearly needs it?
Why are strict parents strict?
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