Sieht gefährlich aus
You have one chance to convince me!
No lies told. Period.
Ausgeliehen von insta
Sieht sonst eigentlich noch gudd aus
What should I do?
Found my old vocational school laptop. E585 worth doing anything with?
This is My opinion if you have a different opinion debate with facts
Magalhaes IA1600 (old laptop)
Bot playground! Test all your favorite bots in the comments
This looks oddly familiar
What loco is this? (Wrong answers only)
Found cleaning an apartment: iPod nano and 15+ year old bag of weed.
Another day, another photo of Trump’s hands
My gym progress. What do you guys think?
Er könnte einem fast schon leid tun, aber nur fast
I’m out of memes I need some
Why is my soldering so bad? My tip cant even melt the solder so its basically impossible to solder, this took me around 7 hours to solder.
Trump flipflopped
Der informierte Fahrgast liest Kursbuch!
Would this count?
Rate my setup i am 13 btw
What’s your favorite car brand’s signature grille design?
Wenn die Hai gesprecht...
Is he taking the win or not?