I'll judge everybody's music taste based on 3 songs
2 Million Coin Giveaway (Details Below)
How much could i get for this?
should i acceot
How is it free then?
Selling my Prinz collection (best in the world)
Am i overcharging
1.3m giveaway
Should i accept
100k GIVEAWAY!!!
40k Giveaway!!
100 day streak GIVEAWAY 🥰
Anyone want to buy
Quitting... giveaway
Who has the best artist badges in soundmap that are also easy to get.
100k+ 🎉🥳 Giveaway!! ( each upvote is a chance to win 10k )
badge levels concept idea
accept or decline
Two of my ideas got put in the game and nobody knows
50k giveaway
Artist guesser improvement