I'm in love with him
Who’s a cure that everyone else dislikes but u like?
Why I think WanPre is an extremely weak season.
Unpopular precure opinions?
Where is WanPre going??
Best character in this universe
Who is more elegant Yuki or Yukari
Give me a character and I’ll give u one of my headcanons for said character
Give me any character and I’ll give u one of my headcanons for said character
Your favorite and least favorite art style.
Stelle Bright Precure
What do these 4 cures have in common? (Hard edition)
It's 2024, any of you still geeking out over him?
Glitter Force is leaving Netflix
Wonderful Precure Episode 36
Congratulations to Towa for winning Team "Demon" now for the Team "Gunslinger"
What do my least favs say abt me? (In order from best to worse)
The Ol’ Switcheroo: What Do My LEAST Fav Cures Say Abt Me?
What does my LEAST favorite cure say about me
So....since Sunshine and Rosetta were tied... decided that they're both the Team Fighter now for the Alien (this should be another easy one)
Congratulations to Nodoka for winning the Healer now for the Mentor
In a unanimous decision the doggo is the Pet (Wan :D) now fo the Healer
Any thoughts on Hime/Cure Princess?