Transgenderism and Homosexuality in the New Age
Jesus’ wording in “truly I tell you I do not know you”
Guy without Doge... abandons Doge?
You people are delusional.
I just want Peace!
How I became free from porn
How do I make a pact with god?
question from a (potential) new convert ?
I just got news that my church is doing baptisms on the 23rd of this month…..
I don’t think Jesus is God
Proof of Muslims Seeing Jesus?
Dear Americans. You will NEVER be forgiven.
How do you feel about theistic evolution?
I want to return but can't bring myself to believe
You can not be a Christian and a Trump supporter.
Is sex before marriage such a sin?
If you were able to go back in time and physically see Jesus rise from the dead, would it change the way you live right now?
Fear of death
what do you think about Sam Shamoun?
Tourists get blown away by an MD80 Series Aircraft takeoff at St. Martin Airport.
Why does complacency invite divine judgment?
Someone to vent or talk to about my struggles . Don’t want to post them on here publicly. Having a hard time and need
Serious answers from believers ONLY
I'm losing faith