16f gamergirl AMA
I think im going hysterical or smth yall (tw: vent ???)
I'm a 14 yo who's developing a lot of acne, how do I get rid of it??
Is there a reason I go cross eyed whenever i sing?
Is the world overpopulated? Should ppl not have kids??
Is there any mods that make getting money harder?
Is there any mods that make getting money harder? (The sims 4)
Why do men manspread sm??
Yall how tf do I fix this weird bit in my hair???
How can I fix this weird spot in my bangs?
Any shows similar to "I am not okay with this" ?
Guys please help I fucked up real bad w my best friend
The "physical intimacy" option under romance not showing up in my the sims 4 game.
No physical intimacy option??
Can't click any of the options??
I just had a random dream
Is there any lover cardigan dupes yet?
I'm trying to get into more fighting games but ones with customization or skins, any recs?
What's yours?
Name any your fav song only using emojis
What does the "2 friends on airbuds" mean ?
Any tips for realism?