Favorite 1990s Anime Episode/Movie Poll, Round 1, Match 57: S 22 vs. S 23
Mistake on Season 4 Episode 16
Stole from facebook from someone who stole from insta
Giles in season 6
Special effects
Angel S5 Ending
One thing I love about DC Super Hero Girls is the fact Kara actually goes to therapy for her trauma
Favorite 1990s Anime Episode/Movie Poll, Round 1, Match 56: S 18 vs. S 19
The greatest lie Joss evert told regarding the Buffyverse us that the Cheese Man meant nothing. Please discuss deeper meanings.
Whose death hit you the hardest?
Favorite 1990s Anime Episode/Movie Poll, Round 1, Match 56' (True, You Can (Not) Dance More): S 20 vs. S 21
Do you love all the seasons equally?
Just got cussed out for… doing my job?
The soundtracks I compiled years and years ago.
All I wanted was to eat my lunch, dude...
Favorite 1990s Anime Episode/Movie Poll, Round 1, Match 55: S 16 vs. S 17
Who’s your favorite Buffy villain?
What’s the worst thing Buffy ever does?
Yeah, except that one time, right?
Menu at a local car show
What's something that went over most fan's heads or it feels that way at least?
who loves Supergirl and Powergirl's friendship and teamwork?
If you could live a week as Blair (in her body) what would you do?
Did they always intend to bring Wesley over to Angel?
Favorite 1990s Anime Episode/Movie Poll, Round 1, Match 53: S 14 vs. S 15