I am looking for setup suggestions…
Best HP cover up ever.
Help! Am I doing something wrong with my industrial piercing?
Questions about new Industrial piercing
Does anyone wear glasses that has an industrial piercing? I feel like that’s why mine still hurts and probably the fact that it’s only been a month.
Uber Driver Scammed my Elderly Parents
My sister’s poor ears
AIO: conversation of my boyfriend and his ‘girl bestfriend’
AIO? My boyfriend sent me this on Valentines Day and I'm shocked
People don’t seem to notice it IRL but I thought you all would appreciate my setup!
back dermals
Tips for rook piercing
Industrial anatomy
Dermal anchors!
should i remove my piercing?
Did anyone have a piercing that took ages to heal?
Where to buy good quality black ball stud earrings?
Anatomy for? Set up advice.
WARNING NSFW: piercing infection PLEASE HELP
What do I do
Opinions on daith piercing
is my piercing infected?
AIO that the lady I house/pet sit for said I’m manipulative for raising my daily rate?