Write a short Diablo themed horror story using only 3 words. Ill go first
We already know the answer
Control your fart
If Arwen's choice to marry Aragorn made her mortal, why couldn't she go to Valinor to die among her family?
New work gun
What happened?
Best ammo for range
I am that person
Would have you thought?
Venus Callipyge meaning “Venus of the beautiful buttocks”. 1st or 2nd century BC. National Archaeological Museum of Naples
Damn, I love volleyball
Netflix at it's finest
Who else listens to old 50 songs after playing fallout?
How do you think the Lone Wanderer, Courier, and Sole Survivor would feel about Lucy Maclean or have met her?
My subnautica art album (update)
True Story
Now I’m wondering why
The art director for the original fallout pictured the pipboy 2000 as a hand-held device you could attach to your belt.
Brahmin is right bro
Emperor wants only one
It's definitely a workout
Does this have value?
New York, 2014. A new member of the United Nations, the chief executive of Western Papua New Guinea, attended the General Assembly in full dress.