Cant sleep before an important contest. Feeling like im screwed
Will smoking ruin my voice ?
Psych EOR tomorrow, advice?
[Nine of 24] unvaccinated people hospitalized [mostly children] as [Western] Texas measles outbreak doubles
My dad wants me to be an NP, I'm leaning towards PA
People who forgave their partner for cheating, how did that turn out?
pre-med vs. pre-PA debate
Cardiology PA- negotiation update
Failed PANCE on my first attempt
What qualifies someone as a classically trained singer?
These are the top 5 character's most likely to survive in season 3
How would someone sing like their going insane
Can 3 star 5 cost do this?
For those utilizing ChatGPT-40, what ways?
[s2 spoilers] Maybe in another universe
Physician associate?
How can someone with lower stats get a seat while I just get nothing but rejections?
Drinking salty drink to moisturize the voice
Thought everyone could use the laugh. Saw this on Facebook
My act of heroism
Be honest..
Dr.s of Reddit: What was the most incongruently stoic you've had a patient presenting with an alarming condition?
Apple's swipe keyboard in iOS is STEAMING, HOT GARBAGE.
ER doctor called midlevels "stupid" and said they won't last
Appreciate any and all advice in choosing between 2 schools