What's with this table rendering glitch
Y1 looking for an Orbital group to join.
Are the extra problems under MA1521 / MA1522 the type they would test in finals?
Favourite Freelancer Showdown Map?
How should I manage geometry data within a Vulkan real time renderer?
What's the relationship between meshes, primitives, and materials?
Why does GTA V’s map get hate?
What happens if you travel to Iki island with the temporary horse in Act III?
Made a timetable app, because i needed one 🫠
How good / bad is this timetable? As a Poly graduate, I want to overload the next sem so I can graduate in 3 years.
Why did Criterion put a speed camera at the end of an airport runway?
What do you think of NS?
Reminds me of the Truman Show.
Every single time
I just wanted to climb up the gate and see beyond the horizon... That's all I wanted...
Hardest elden shit “boss” Vs “easiest” DS2 Boss.
Elden Ring or the Dark Souls Trilogy?
CS students, how to balance a part-time internship?
Now I finally know how Igon felt when he killed Bayle
How do I resolve CS2030S Lab and IS2218 Lecture conflict?
Tutorial Registration helper tool - easily rank your classes
Will tutorial bidding lag be just as bad as the course registration? Y1S1 asking.
most useless object to interact with in the whole WoA? there is a shitton of them but you can't get anyone to use them except one guy which is irrelevant for the main story mission.
CS seniors, any advice for freshmen about internships?