Tutorials/documentation for correctly handling player physics on objects
Rock City after a gig
I know its an issue at the moment but is there a workaround for the loan pack/gold pack bug?
Why dont i get at least 1 point if people leave when the game is tied?
No Rules is a dreadful mode
Is a gravel bike a good idea for an upgrade?
Newcastle fan here with some big information for tomorrow
Big fat bust Lvl 40 88 Icon pick
What's going on??
How can I improve?
Idk how to defeat radahn as a Dex build
Going to the Spain v Ned game at the Mestalla in March. Any cheap but safe overnight recommendations?
Am i the only one that finds the Numero fut design super ugly ?
Finished a run solo by clearing out the whole map
Long have I waited for this day! Who do you want to give that Strategic Shift boost?
King of not reading instructions
My last Italian ancestor was from 1903, and I still consider myself thoroughly Italian.
GK Evo Please EA
Why is no one talking about the downfall of Valencia CF?
Does anyone else find the Era’s “reset” a turn off?
New player with consistently bad training rating. Can I fix him?
PC Not Found cards. Is there an actual fix?
New icon evo should be compensated
Psa:do not put the draft time settings to 3 min