What would a three episode arc have looked like with Finger Lakes Guy as Regional Manager?
For the St. Patricks Day episode is was considered to actually film it in Scranton, which would have been the only episode actually filmed in Scranton, but eventually decided against it. Except for the intro footage nothing in the show is acutally filmed in Scranton.
IMO the best part about the show was the authentic friendship between Michael and Toby
Looking for the episode where...
Why did Stanley know about Scott's tots but Phyllis didn't, while Phyllis and Creed were presumably the only ones (besides Todd Packer) that already worked there before Michael became manager.
Don't you think Dunder Mifflin throughout the series appears as a much smaller firm than the shareholder meeting and wallstreet journal attention suggests?
Is the show worth watching after season 8?
Would Jay have voted for Trump?
What Is That One Episode No Matter How Much Time You Rewatch You Will Never Skip.
Scott tots circa 2025?
Am I hallucinating or does the woman in this thumbnail look like if Andy and Pam had a child?
What happened to Scout after Frank died?
Hard for me to let this one go lol
Who are the 4 people Dwight dislikes?
Which one of the 3 women on the sub is this? Pls DM.
do you agree?
What Hitchcock Movies Should I Watch Next?
"I keep my wallet in my front pocket, so that's what that is."
If you could only keep 10 Episodes of the show, what would you keep?
I'm watching the show for the first, currently in season 7, and I must admit this season is the worst so far. I watch most episodes over multiple days now, while in earlier seasons I often watched multiple episodes per day. Do you agree?
My opinion on "toning". Low reps for mass and high reps for definition; they are the same thing, more muscle definition comes with more muscle mass. High reps can't magically reshape your muscles without adding mass.
Me After Modern Family 😭❤️