Which side would your Avatar stand on?
Your avatar and BloxxMarauder are about to rob a bank, what do they bring? (Read body text)
Uhhh I will rank ur avatar
Comment your avatar and I'll assign them a kingdom from Super Mario Odyssey!
realistically telling you if your avatar would survive my universe
Rating how deadly would your avatar and the faction they are apart of would be irl
Your avatar has to break through a metal door. Can they do it? And if so, how?
Since Nadya is busy with work, Mei will rate your avatars in her stead!
rating how much i would let you pet my dog by the looks of your avatar 🔥🔥
Post your avatars and I'll tell you how I feel about them:
I need your avatars for my upcoming comic
Giving your avatars stupid nicknames!
Give me ur avatar and ill give them a soccer position, number, and team
We have lost to many people.
uhh haha funny templeate putting your avaatrs here
I'm going to Alice
What questions does your avatar have for Nadya?
Give him a name
Putting avatars in this usernames pls there’s no blood this time
Send a Image of your Avatar and I'm Including them in a Tierlist
Seeing if Hadal Rank Agent Craylos would recruit you for his secret organization, ARES, based on what your avatar looks like.
glitch won with our first ever upvote win | finale, who's our Agreeing Andy?
Rating how Throwable your avatar is
Part 6. Who is the one who knows everything but doesn’t say anything?