Good news (?) SFH prices have dropped significantly in the last month and are now are 2022 cost, most likely due the glut of homes on market, due to people selling that have to commute to DC now (my own theory).
Happy Hour Spot in Frederick
I just bought 12 eggs for 5.46 at Walmart!!! What the ?? They say there is a shortage but every time I go the shelves are fully stocked ???
Frankfurt - Dortmund game
Can you recommend any auto body shops?
Fox News Jesse Watters, America's most viewed cable news program just blasted the Frederick City Mayor's proposal to fund immigrant legal advocacy, thoughts?
Cleaning service
Need a recommendation on a quality auto body shop
Anybody else have a shitty experience at Porsche Bethesda?
Trading in for a lease
Sunday sportish car cruises?
Boxster Car Wash