I know what is SCP-173, but what is SCP-173-Z
Don quixote
Random shit i found on the korean side of yt
School of the Sword-Sage - a HEMA-inspired CYOA
Normal birthday cards are boring
Do you think using a domain for the buff + the sure hit, as well as using a totality of all 9 other shadows like bird strike would be enough to kill Mahoraga?
How do translators pretend to not know all the cultural context and stuff, so they can add back in data that doesn’t appear lost in translation to them but actually lost from the perspective of someone without the cultural and grammatical knowledge.
Are there any werewolf mind control abilities.
What kind of shit could Mahito get up to if he used a death binding vow on his transfigured humans.
Do you think the abnormality egg lore is from the nothing there glitch and PMs tendency to make everything that they can cannon?
Naruto shower thought: If Orochimaru stayed in the Akatsuki, he probably could give Hidan all of the transplants, and he’d take them due to immortality.
In a video he said (iirc) “creationism was created, mainly to teach religion in schools”
In gone angels, what are neighboring addresses, are they a thing in computer terminology?
If there is a concept incinerator, can you throw the abnormalities on it so they won’t exist anymore? Also, is concept incinerator considered a singularity? What if the arbiters has that as a weapon?
I heard that Jim Jones somehow caused couples to have non consensual divorces. Where can I learn more about this?
Can someone explain party everlasting to me?
[Help] When you “See the finished sculpture” in the block of material. How many of you see it in your minds eye, vs visualize it onto your actual field of vision?
Isekai Tournament V4 (Small Update)
Are there any stories where doomsayers are heeded?
What is the word for the opposite of reinforcement?
The good audiobook reading of R.F.A.T.Z. was deleted from YouTube. Do you know where I can find another or a reupload?
I have thought of a way to lie in parceltongue.
What is the meaning of the words Shin, and Mang?
POV: your son died to a roadroller
Protoclone, the world's first bipedal, musculoskeletal android.
Does anyone have any idea what’s up with that train that circles around the city in the outskirts?