You are guaranteed that your kids (or 4 people of your choosing) live the absolute best life, but….
first playthrough
[NO DAV SPOILERS][DAO SPOILERS] I hate the Dark Ritual
If the Batarians and Alliance went to war without the Reapers or Council involvement, who has a better chance of winning a galactic war.
Your favorite Classes in the genre? I want to try something new!
Recently started pillar 2, feels like it’s way better than WotR, agree or disagree?
How does the Hell Knight from both Doom 3 and DOOM (2016) see without their eyes?
Knights with minimal humans
How did Anders, Merrill and Mage Hawke remain free in Kirkwall?
Can we talk about Leliana?
Samara won the previous round! Finally, who is a BAD squadmate with a BAD loyalty mission?
Is Lann really that bad?
Donald o UE
Considering that they are useless and only get in the way, what reasons do you have to save them without having to play the role of the good guy?
Game won’t let me pick the feat.
Which version of Wonder Woman do you believe is superior?
Came in With Low Expectations, Left With a New Favorite
Jak radzicie sobie z poczuciem bezsensu pracy w korpo?
DA2 is over 12 years old, and I've *just* discovered that a Friend of Red Jenny pays you for cleaning Kirkwall's streets.
Which race would you like to see as a squadmate in a future Mass Effect game?
Kasumi won the last round! Who is a BAD Squadmate with a GOOD Loyalty Mission?
On Valentine's Day, some characters of Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous are asking you out on a date. Take a screenshot to determine who is your chosen one, and tell us in the comments how your date would go!
A piece of Heroes 5 fanart I made recently. I was planning on doing a digital version of it, but looking at it now I am not so sure. Nevertheless I hope you enjoy. Hope to do more in the future.
Imagine your protagonists and their partners on a quadruple date - how would it go?
Who has the best combat resume in ME2? aside from Shepard.