The Empire after Westphalia: A new perspective?
The Empire Redrawn: Holy Roman Empire after the Peace of Westphalia (1648)
School grade vs. AP score
What historical figures do you feel are only viewed poorly today because of hit pieces/propaganda put out by their peers that have persisted into modern historiography?
By far the best Minecraft replica I've seen (Minecraft 3D by Scratchfan321)
[KCD1] Oh Charles IV? King of Bohemia and Holy Roman Emperor?
To the people who got accepted, what did you write about in your essay?
Is cmu coming out tmr?
Did anyone else see ucla whats bruin insta post saying decisions will be out tmr??
I regret not applying to more schools…
Do American schools really give that much homework?
Update 3: I'm going to [an [ [EVEN] EVEN] even better] college!!!!!
University of Washington is out!!!!
Was there ever a point in US history, where the Senate dictated to the President who should be nominated for a position?
In dire need of extra curriculars
Does anyone know why infants are ruling Iberian kingdoms?
slo you aint nonchalant..
Are these grades bad or nah?
Anyone tried UCB astrology and got forbidden?
Holy Roman Empire at the peace of Westfalia (1648)
Which is better for bio UC Davis or UCSB ?
Does 2 semesters of dual enrollment foreign language fulfil foreign language requirement at UC Davis? (Chem major)
Thoughts on this going on my college application?