I am not a big drinker and I have never tried Whiskey. I am looking for recommendations on an affordable bottle.
Something pulls me here.
Where can one find you all?
Messenger keeps crashing when trying to open app on Android latest update
I just discovered that there is a tiny dot outline of a fish on my driver's license that isn't visible unless you hold it to the light.
People who don't wash their hands after using the bathroom: what is wrong with you
How do they enforce parking in the garages?
People here who track their sleep: What is your ratio of sleep hours to wake hours?
Idolizing characteristics of other types
I finally feel like I'm the most me I've ever been
I just realized what the "Goofy Goober Rock" song from the Spongebob Squarepants movie is based from
What song "turns you on"?
Don’t want to get too close?
Hey everyone it's me again! :D Since my last post got many awards I will do another 20k coin giveaway today to whoever comments :)