WFH is fantastic and a privilege
Why did multimillionaire Jerry Seinfeld let Nana live on a "very fixed income?" Is he cruel?
The woman who robbed George kindda looks like a young version of Susan's mum
"It is not me that has been exposed, but you. For I have seen the nipple on your soul.”
A young woman's strange erotic journey...
Suicide hurts
One of George's top lines
Elaine did not even look heavy from the "no-fat" yogurt in this episode
Why are comments on here responding to personal troubles so judgmental?
The Luas inspectors are so cruel and tried to call the guards on me
He's getting married? To a woman?
Which Lloyd Braun is your favourite? Mine is Insanity Later LIoyd.
Minute 2:49 Jerry Seinfeld singing with the Backstreet Boys - Backstreet Boys: I Want It That Way (Live) | SNL50: The Homecoming Concert
When people downvote my little posts on r/Seinfeld
Puddy was the original fancy boy
Mr Cohen was rude, and his "what stinks in here" schtick was not funny. (I know he live on Park Avenue)
Queen of the castle
Kramer's cabel guys, fake Russian hat guy and electricians were dodgy, but his plastic surgeon was superb, apparently
I'm pretty sure some people weren't made for living
What song can you no longer stand because it reminds you of your ex?
Walked by this bar on my way back from work and almost audibly said :Kramer, what's going on here?"
Is he worth seeing?
That horrible sinking pain in your chest when the sadness is unbearable?
Has anyone ever tried pushing their skin and hair upward to get someone to recognise them?
The Avoidants are right: This sub overdiagnoses avoidance