my baby passed 1 year ago today, feeling down. please drop photos of your pug babies in the comments!!!
Saw Mizkif at the BBno$ concert at Emo’s in Austin!!
Esfan dancing at the BBno$ concert at Emo’s in Austin!!
Is Maggie fat? My father insists she's overweight but I'm not certain she is. Sure we may spoil her with treats here and there but she acts and seems pretty healthy. She's 4 or 5 years old.
Day 4 - Which Black Clover character immediately comes to your mind when you see this color? - Blue
There a way to turn off the opening cinematic? That dang elf. Sounds like I'm watching porn on full blast when I start it up.
TTT is genius
Heb ribs in chicago grocery- any explanation?
Metazoo is officially closed
MetaZoo still hasn't paid out Dark Tower Sept 2023 winners, is deleting mentions of it, and now closing their Discord
Survey Results: The State of Limited Magic in 2023
Boerne Discord?
Other TCGplayer sellers, As of today my TCGplayer store is officially open. Is there anything I should know before I set my inventory to live?
Mormon church attempting to sway member votes for legalization
What in the gravy distribution!
What in the Yee-haw
Gandalf The Black.
Need help. Got my prerelease pack and there was a squashed bug on the dated foil card. What do I do with this?
China is taking Covid seriously.
What makes you not want to have kids?
222 years of standing was enough for this red beech tree, but he ain't done being fabolous
Will this get me high?
Accutane Insomnia?
What agent should i get?