Super anxious about tomorrow's session 🙁
"The ideal woman"
It gets to a point..
You can only listen to one letter for the rest of your life, which one?
They just love to put women against each other.
Suggest an album/artist based on the last 5 albums I listened to
Saw this vegan ploughman’s on insta👀
Hot Linkin Park takes?
Is RSPCA a scam? Should I donate?
What are your thoughts on Ts that do not take notes?
Confessed my Transference today
Really wanting for my next session with new T, after only having 2 - is it normal to feel this way so quickly?
My favourite snacks
I'm becoming vegan...but wow, I didn't realize that vegans were hated so much
Heinz Beanz and Vegan Sausage
Have you felt like the gender of your therapist mattered?
Surely these should be a crime by now?
If everyone hates James Cordon so much, how did the Gavin and Stacey finale reach 12 million viewers?
Why are people so mean toward bpd
DAE get eye twitches?
25 yr old single mom is it too late for me to pursue my masters?
Men, do you pref- WHO THE FUCK CARES
Being vegan IS hard, but not for the reasons most people think.
Attached to Therapist