What the hell do i do about this??
Why does everyone who has anything to do with forsaken pull away from it?
9 in a row is insane
9 in a row is actually insane 💔
Was i the only one scared of the walk cycle from the lost episode?
Best survivor to grind cash with?
The internet has ruined dating
All rp aside whats up with the sub factions?
Tyler's merch is embarrassing, especially for who he says he is
Is it better to use cam lock as killer or no
What the fuck 💔
Anyone know how to get the i miss the quiet emote?
Good to know blade does not give a grain of sand of a fuck about this subreddit and what it forces itself into believing
Time enough passed has
Tips on how to achieve femboy body type? Workouts diets etc (image unrelated)
Tips on how to achieve silly femboy body? Workouts diets etc (image unrelated)
If whatsapp was in Forsaken😂
Im so fucking alone it hurts
Judge me based on the characters I use.
Comment any word and I’ll link it to Tyler
Which kanye west song is this?
new to his music but found this, has he ever been this serious lol??
If you’re a real Tyler fan, spell your name with Tyler songs
PlayStation turning off randomly ever since i got it
I broke up with my girlfriend because of Ye