Guess who's back boys!
Help me find a good harrington
This is not the catwalk runway
There is always the first try...
Oi From sweden!
Not many young skins
Rate my outfit
Bleach deez balls
Create a "poke" button
what’s up with modern day skinheads and wearing more baggy trousers?
Im new
I need advice
My post has caused quite the ruckus in the men’s fashion sub.
Wearing my new favorite shirt + jeans I cut and cuffed myself for the first time
Typical techo slav bonehead!!!!
Need help
First boots
What is your opinion on skinheads wearing sneakers instead of boots
Are camouflage pants bonehead?
Help finding skinheads
Do your groups ever fail?
I Am Getting Shit From Everyone In My Life For Calling Myself Skinhead
Opinion on Bleachers
Best way to get gems for limited?