My lucky duck Lucifer shirt!! 🥰
Who's the Best Character from Hazbin Hotel? (Character with the most votes will be announced ✨️the best✨️ this Saint Patrick's Day for good luck ☘️)
Looks like we have an army. Get your weapons ready everyone...THIS MOTH IS GOING DOWN!!!
What are some predictions you guys have for Season 2 of Hazbin Hotel?
Would you kill Val for Angel's sake?
Alastor's Deal
Who's Most Likely To...?
I have a feeling Angel's soul is going to be set free from Valentino in Season 2 somehow...
Does Charlie or Vaggie have a better singing voice?
Is Lucifer or Alastor a better father figure for Charlie?
Alastor's Death...(Fan Ideas)
What's your favorite song from the soundtrack?
Hazbin Hotel Soundtrack songs ranked from favorite to least favorite. (This would be soooo hard for me because they're all amazing in my opinion)
Who has the best singing voice?
Hazbin Hotel Trading Cards
Are you Team Vox or Team Alastor and why?