On the road out of Reykjavik.
How do Icelanders view Iceland (the store)
Afhverju eru vörur frá öðrum Norðurlöndum alltaf með upplýsingar á öllum norðurlandamálunum nema Íslensku?
CFD analysis of a cylinder at low Reynolds number
A 757 Taking-Off from Antarctica
Stop asking for AMM, PMM, CMM, PIPC or IPC manual and references. That information is VERY confidential and illegal to share all willy nilly. I do not even care if you are asking for educational purposes. The answer will and always will be NO.
Looking to study aircraft design and how airplanes fly, any advice on where to start?
Gotta love a beautiful sunset with a view.
question bout supersonic wings
Lockdown suggestions
Iceland is open for buisness
Biking in winter and some beginners advice
Hef ekki séð neitt svona fyndið í langan tíma