People who went to Involuntary Psychiatric Treatment
What is the most ridiculous thing they called a "symptom"?
This is embarrassing and so is her grammar
People claiming they’re bothered by the word “moist”.
Did your nparent set you up to be SA'd?
What is the weirdest thing you crave that you think is because of narcissistic trauma?
What is the hardest part about living alone?
This is why I never insulted Beck
Do your narcissistic parents obsess over something such as their looks/health?
DAE speak like a kid around their parents/family because you're scared of "speaking with an attitude"?
Just keep in mind, when mental health professionals talk about "the stigma", know it's bullshit
People who say "Touch grass" or "Cope"
Were your parents racist or homophobic or misogynistic?
Homeschoolers who say they loved being homeschooled
All involuntary mental health programs are abusive
Can anyone tell me how a mental hospital is from the inside? (Example: what you can and cant do every day there)
Foldable lawn chair as an accessibility aid?
welcome to my classroom
Should I buy a cane?
Open vent to the person who just asked me “Are you sick?” because I’m wearing an N95
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't buy her merch!!! Don't support her!!!
For those of you who hate it here, what makes you stay?
Did yours cause your mental illness and then pathologize you?
In your experience, do other people ever notice something is off with your narcissistic parents?
What’s the smallest or weirdest reason they flipped out on you for?