"Dead languages are dead because they are the language of Satan" my ex-churchmate to me
what's a last minute decision you made that ended up saving your life?
What happened to the most good-looking person you knew in high school/college?
to those that have left but are still spiritual or aren't ,how do i cope with the meaninglessness?
Do you think testimonies are genuine? Or maybe they embellish them or make them up to make themselves look better in front of church?
God is still playing hide and seek
do you ever feel like you were walking on in a (metaphorical) minefield?
How did you cope with your doubts
Came Across An Old Journal Entry
What was something you could finally do once you left ?
i dont know what to think...
what was your dating experience like?
Other than veggietales, who can we admit put out some bangers in the early 2000s
how did you handle doubt?
What is your stance on religion now that you left?
what's something you still remember even after years of deconstruction?
What is a worldly thing you couldn't do while in,but you did it anyway?
How did you handle your doubts ,if you had any? did you practice thought-stopping technique?
if Jesus is love,it's twisted
God is a criminal yet he wants us to worship him
what was your first thing you allowed yourself to do after leaving?
What's the first you got rid of?
What's the first thing you did after leaving?