Top 5 of my top 5
i got low battery notif twice😒
wich one should i drink? please help me decide🥲
I think it’s a good tier list
how do i stop the itching
What's your top 3?
Did anyone else develop sh kink
Unsafe tunnels
Who did you get ?
lobe check
Why you do(n't) believe in God?
Does anyone else self harms as a way to stop their masturbation thoughts
anyone else have one arm or leg thats way worse than the other
What MBTI do you feel most compatible with in relationships?
I keep seeing triggering posts 😭😭😭
Favorite Mom Jeans Song(s)?
Which one are you?
the last one infuriated everyone so here's some salt to the wound
Name ONE
Damn it’s dead here during the day
Here some SBG photos I have on my phone lol (most r prolly from Pinterest x) :]
The first letter of your username is a brawler,who would you be ?