Hello, is this offer worth it to purchase?
Trading these for ride potions/neon ice cube/neon bauble buddies, etc. (Please pick and do name your price)
Looking for any of these trades
Looking for these trades (the ice bear can be changed, the trade with fairy bat dragon will need some adds / Frostclaw does not need to be NFR, NR will suffice) Thanks~
I haven't been playing the game for months, is this trade fair? I'm on the left side. I'm not sure if elvebredd is still being used.
Want to change my e-mail address to a kabam account
Pinterest is making my browser crash
Trading 9 Megas for other megas or good offers / Also trading 2 garden eggs per Moonlight Moth or B-day Butterfly 2023
Offering for the pets on the right side. They can be MR or MFR
Trading a cute tiny house~ <3
Looking for these trades (I'm on the left side) / Trading a FR Frost Dragon for a Good Downgrade (Mostly for neon legs/megas/etc.)
For trade , looking for new pet certificates and ride pots ! (Using Elve Vals , pick for them please!)
Looking for this trade