Santiago colapsado
What is the most “ bang for you’re buck” color palette
What games to play over the summer (but free and with friends, it’s alr if it’s not with friends either)
Why can't I throw toilet paper down the W.C.?
¿Qué es tremendamente caro?
El banco me regaló plata (not really)
¿Han conocido a algunas incel mujer?
OSTs buenos
Rate my newest build
Estudio de tatuaje o tatuadores en santiago
What games are like RuneScape that can be played while paying 95% attention to something else?
Wait — what’s this?
Comandante (r) del ejercito de Chile, Jaime Ojeda Torrens, condenado por 15 homicidios en Caravana de la Muerte, interrumpe alegatos y encara a ministros de la Corte Suprema
Is it ok for my laptop power brick to not have a ground prong?
A game like Diablo mixed with BG3
Is It possible to Buy multiple opressor mk1 and spam them through MC president interaction menu?
What’s your “flex” operator outfit that you rock? Mine is the Valkyrie Halloween loadout. I rarely see this thing equipped by anybody else.
Qué señales sutiles (y otras no tanto) indican que una persona se crió con una buena situación económica?
What are some vehicles that are good for just having fun?
looking for very grindy games
Newbie to keyboards. Need to change my current one. Any help?