Ranking MHA Characters based on how annoying I think their fans are
[LOTM general] How long did it take you guys to finish Lotm?
[lotm] duality of 2 fandoms
I feel like I'm going crazy
[lotm donghua] Cooked up a little something again.
[Lotm general] What series did Lotm make less enjoyable for you?
What name did you choose for the group?
You suddenly spawned in the last game you played, what would you do as the first thing?
Briar Gameplay in nutshell
I...kinda agree...
Can your favorite verse stop this attack and how?
Offering proof they never intended.
So, with the release of UU Rivals, what are your thoughts so far ?
Just saying... guys that do remember your first 5 anime that you watch. mine are this . [ And i don't remember the 5th]
My personal Tales character rankings
You're his lawyer, defend him
Why do people on this sub think Toga can be redeemed? After Dabi, she’s the most sadistic and murderous in the League.
Well this isnt what i expected when i asked why 6 was afraid of 7, fair enough tho
Which 3 would you choose and why?
Serious question, which Class 1A student would you have killed off and where?
Elon Musk Sieg Heiling during his speech
Am I allowed to say I know how to play the game now?
What’s the most heartbreaking anime scene you’ve ever watched?
Whats that insanely loved Anime you just couldn't get into?