Someone get these researchers on a official high pop stat.
Is it okay to leave the performance mode on high?
New player, looking for tips about what to do.
Is it worth start from scratch?
I have found a scrapped agent (JOULES) hidden in valorant files. (IMP)
Hostility on Antica
Unpopular opinion: I confess I miss YiffBot
Is optional PvP still regarded with a negative connotation?
Why do people like Reyna so much
Auto-attacking + Exori?
How can it be cooking 2.0 if we can't cook poisoned food?
How to get better gear as a non premium account?
DotA 7.38 - Wandering Waters
Why do you hate botters so much?
Is it still worth playing OG Tibia over OT Servers?
Day one, skilling my future monk in Dawnport. 🥊
Match Found
When will I stop being Pked? At what level I stop being a target?
Why do I go on a losing streak when I get close to ranking up?
Now that we have wild animals framework ...
TIL Ricochet actually makes non-bullets bounce as well
Information on Recent Deletions (official CipSoft communication)
Is the charm system possibly bugged?
Sayzer (streamer) was deleted in a new account after buying a char on Bazaar and playing only 45 minutes
So uuuh are we getting post game chat or nah?