Give me the raddest "girls with guns and/or swords" movies
Best Football Movie?
The Ballad of Buster Scruggs, opinions?
Thoughts on The Order staring Jude Law?
Favorite Spike Lee movie?
Describe people based on their top 4
What are some movies that fit this list?
The 37 Best Anti-Fascist Films of All Time
What's your opinion on superhero movies and a lot of blockbuster movies not being considered "real cinema"?
What’s a good “sexy” movie to watch with the gf?
What was the last film you watched in January?
A few films from my watchlist. Any of them I need to jump on?
It's Friday, post your last four watched
What book or event would you make a movie about?
What for you is an unforgettable duel in cinema?
Thoughts on this film?
Movies that immerse you in a city?
I like these shows, any suggestions?(the order is random)
Favorite Christopher Nolan movie?
Are any of theses movies any good
Best Bank Robbery Scene? I Think Heat (1995) is Still Unbeaten.
What two film do you film are polar opposites of each other but you have ranked them the say.
Where do you stand? Pineapple Express or Ted?
What is the funniest non comedy movie?
I’ve seen over 700 films, these are some popular films that I haven’t seen. Which do you recommend?