Just got this ad. Is this who I think it is?
Please tell me what’s happening
How old will you be on Oct 23, 2077?
What are you general thoughts on playing in power armor or not? Feels fun being a tank but more immersive and challenging going combat armor build.?
Where is everyone in this sub from?
Do you guys find realistic sims unsettling??
Does anyone live in Ian Curtis' home in Macclesfield?
Guest (family of 5 ) just messaged me 'none of us will eat the food. Any ideas what to do?'
Is there a reason why people use female characters more? (Imagine unrelated)
I’m truly confused
For what reason did Gimple veer the show away from its “Grounded” roots to its Wacky “Mad Max” version of the apocalypse
Am I ugly? I’m pretty sure I’m not but gained 30 lbs in the passed year so I feel ugly.
What is your biggest crush among all the Fallout games and why?
Will this spoiler ruin my game experience?
Human Gromit by Littlelemonoid
i fear i may have made my dream man 😭
Please tell me it's not true? :(
How in the heck do you get a yes to a proposal?
I'm a new player on sims 4, and was wondering if there is anything i can do to make my suburban house more realistic and lively?
24m , have no friends and everyone seems to avoid me or want nothing to do with me. Came to the sad conclusion I must be ugly lol.
With this much honor I will get the good ending?? Because I am currently in Chapter 6, and this is my first time playing.
Craziest form of ID you have been given or tried to give.
this has gotta be the worst randomly generated townie outfit ive seen in my game