GI Bill running out
VR&E Denial
Show Worthy Doll Face?
Am I on the right track for an ISSO career?
ISSO career right track?
Complex Tax Year. Is Turbo Tax enough?
Feeling Lost about Upgrade
My College gave me access to Adobe Creative Cloud
Haloperidol not working?
Trying to Get Back Into Running After a Tough Few Years
Doesn’t want to hide anymore
A poem that I had to write about my abuse
Getting back into running with my dog
A poem that I had to write
I’ll be 50 in 12 years, and I feel like I started everything too late. Am I alone in this?
My alarm clock around the midnight hour
Maximus Returns
Finding a diagnosis as an adult
Advice Needed: Choosing a Bachelor’s Degree with a Math Learning Disability
Seeking Career Advice: Navy IT Veteran, current Sysadmin, Feeling stuck
Maximus & Axel
How Old Were You When You Realized You’re a Lesbian?
Wedding Pics
Moving back to San Diego