Blursed refrigerator
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Help?! My screen is like this!
What are Norways red flags?
Am i the first to discover this?
Blursed sweat stains.
Hvem av dere vant i lotto da?
27M hit me hard with it
Duo/roastme 1yr down can you make it end? (19F, 19M)
Getting married. Top 10 roasts being read out at the Stag-do. Please hurt me.
19F Make me cry
im curious, please be nice ㅤᵕ̈
Who do I look like?
Se her Nasjonen!!! Anbefales å se Karl og co!! Morsomt som faen!! Haha ja han Karl og Ulf ja! Litt av en duo!
Hva tenker vi om DNB index A?
blir jeg rik nå?
40 M Single No Kids - Existential Crisis On The Weekly
The PC of my friend (heavy smoker) wtf xD
DnB global indeks A går til hel*** hva gjør man????
Discussion about Miike Snow - Silvia (Robotberget Remix)
Which part of Australia would you be willing to give up to stop Putin bombing our cities if Trump wouldn't help?
My siblings constantly call me ugly, a fat pig, and gross. I just need some assurance Im not that ugly.
Does this build make sense/fit together?
My son learned to throw his toys