A lot?
I got this in assault mode about 2 days after the season started
Weapon choice for metro
Screw it
What would you do if you saw this at night?
Saw this yesterday in maze, is this rare or not?
AMERICUHH!!! 🦅🦅🦅🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
Earliest and latest creation
Over-equipped PvP abomination (info in description)
Metro Royale
1 MILLION part nuke, because I can
New shredder swarm?
I may have made something
Average plane crazy server
Yoooo guys i think ilian finally decided to delete his account
U ain't gonna find anything bad here to make fun of me;)
I do not like door 50
Update on my killdozer build: ITS FINISHED :D
Montana progress update
Look at this baby
What yo opinion on Screech
Why do y'all hate Screech so much?
If giggle is a bald screech, then what is screech?