Another Lootbox Megathread
Char Murat - worth it?
My thoughts on Prototipo 6 after 50+ games
When I win the lottery, I won't say anything.But there will be signs
When you realize that you need to spend 12 hours a day for a week in the game to get a new IX premium Char Murat.
My arranged marriage dilemma [Advice/Discussion]
Moment of silence to everyone who cheered Thusiyan and Al Jazeera interview 😂
How do you know WG gonna give you a massive loss streak.?
why does these things exist in sri lankan government universities ? why no one takes any steps to avoid these ?In these types of situations does a police complain matter?
Your banned maps
Most up voted comment adds a country
So glad the freelancers are getting taxed. Their tears bring me joy.
It seems like the dude's back... Are people going to support his agenda in 2025?
Wargaming Approved
Seriously y sl give away free money to people who dont contribute to society.
Do you agree that Sri Lanka needs something like DODGE?
How to play Berlin as a Sniper TD..? I always struggle in this map with my Strv S1. Especially West spawn
Skill's verdict on the Chieftain in 2025 (Tier 10 re-rating stream)
Bz-176 in tier 6 game
Whats your favorite tank and why?
How the hell did Jon almost lose the Battle of the Bastards when he had a literal giant on his side?
Wargaming, please...
100000 DBV-152 assembly shop
Came after 10 hour shift and this is my first round of the day :) . Round lasted 3 minutes and 26 seconds