Can I order Steeped tea double double ?
How can I help my players budget spell slots to avoid having so many long rests?
My (M27) good lesbian friend (F28) kissed me while drunk.
[Online] [5E, Homebrew] [Established Group, 18+] [Tuesdays 11:30 am EST] [One-Shot Thots]
F*** You
Why does Kraft Dinner taste completely different all of a sudden?
Anyone ever deal with a fairly dull boring game?
Look at this funny meme! Get it? He rolled a NATURAL 20! IT'S BECAUSE A NAT 20 MEANS ANYTHING HE WANTS HAPPENS! THE! JOKE! IS! SEX!
Why don't they restore they soul of more vampires?
What job do you think pays way too low for the amount of work done?
The local Safeway has slapped the Maple Leaf on its own store brand (the label reads imported), but left it off Canadian producer Primo and sister-brand, Unico.
Rules from BG3 that you’ve implemented in your game?
Local arcade won’t cash in my thousand tickets because they stopped giving out prizes. They said “Tickets are just for fun.”
Do you ever get tired of cooking?
Is it cool to text the players: “so what do you think you want to do next session?”
Is there a god of friendship and adventure in FR?
Crappy hardwood floors in apartment
Efficacy of saltwater rinsing
Just Learn Another System
Why is my internet speed on pc so bad compared to other devises?
Do Forever DM’s Actually Want Out?
Advice on fixing this fuck up
i’m missing a third of an 8oz can but the laugh was kinda worth it
How about Taunt as a bonus action
Found this bug in my coffee today