Just want to showcase the ladder mechanics in ExeKiller, which we're currently working on. Feedback would be invaluable! :)
How Do You Figure Out If a Game Is Worth It?
AAA vs Indie
Why is this a thing
You didn't know the excitement..
Made this in UE5, Thoughts?
What is a game that you’re glad that you stuck with after it initially didn’t “click” with you?
Our demo is finally available on Steam, and that's a huge milestone for our small studio!
Silently glaring
Steam controller being used in the trailer for Steam Couch CO-OP Fest.
I made a game where the level goes dark when you move. Please destroy the trailer
my indie game for 15 seconds
Meet Shold, the tank you do not want to mess with. He’s here to control the battlefield with smashing attacks, powerful blocks, and some seriously unique abilities. Who’s adding him to their team? 🔥
Surprised to see this meme exist outside the web and at the Super Bowl
dumb joke I had during a fever dream
during exam
Love that stays
It’s been one hell of a year huh
Only to master it 2 days later
Current status of my Computer Science coursework documentation
What’s the biggest thing that gets you to buy a game?
The game me and a friend worked on for 2 years where you play as a potted plant is out now!
Projects that fell short of your expectations as much as possible?
We need a tutorial