Mistakes to avoid as a beginner?
Raytracing in Morrowind ?
Any time now...
Mance Rayder, Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, for some reasons
Whoever this was, I love you.
What is the most despicable action by a character in your opinion ? Mine below. ( spoilers extended )
Did any British Monarch have a life as tragic as Maria Eleonora of Sweden?I read her story and was HORRIFIED!!
happy st. paddys day! 🍀
Would you prefer Tarantino's 10th film be a gangster movie or a western?
My girl lost her babies. I dont know what to do.
Possible Hot Take! Batman Begins Is The Best Live Action Suit
How would you feel if this were just a placeholder and the actual game had a wildly different vibe?
[No spoiler] Why do the houses and titles seem so static and unmoving?
Happy anniversary of shooting Teenagers ☘️
I have finally got all my complaints out about this game after sitting quietly for almost 2 years.
What's Your Favourite Spike Centric Episode?
Round 7! Which song sounds MAD & has HAPPY lyrics?
Every show has one — which character despises society?
Do it
God forbid a girl brings her own keyboard to the office
Not fond of narratives of Wayne's parents being "corrupt". Them being noble elites who tried to do the right thing gives meaning to Batman's mission
What are you favorite rare/demo/live demo/leaked songs?
Why did Mary I dislike Katherine Howard ?
Which of these modern Joker stories did you think was the best?