baby itty bitty shrimp on a blueberry snail(am i the first person to ever take a pic of this combo?)
best high tech planted tank fertilizer?
shrimp tank, lots of algae, thoughts? should i get rid of the algae?
is nipping normal in a betta sorority?
What’s your favorite kind of aquatic snail?
why is she so bloated?
Trying to get my cherries to mate, day 2
nerite and my biggest cherry shrimp
self sustaining aquarium?
this mama is FAT full of eggs
Is 6 dollars a shrimp a good price?
are these blueberry snails or trapdoor snails?
Did I get any males?
If my blue and burgundy neos breed what colors might they make?
Normal for them to be this active after a 10% water change?
snello so good even nerites will eat it
Mobile Suit Algae
I have had babies and didn't notice lol 0.o
What's going on with my buce
Help with doing a big water change
snail id?
Thinking about getting a Betta, will this 100 gallon be big enough? Or should I stick to shrimp and snails?
Wondering why this Shrimp turned brown?
[LF] Los Angeles, CA - Pygmy Sunfish (Elassoma Giberti or other small ones)
Transferring nails to a new tank