Drop a hero below that you’d play on this ms :)
Who wins?
How to preselect a hero
The update is finally here, say goodbye to Rose Gold Meteor Julian
In response to that response to that response of that Johnson main's driving skill a week ago, I bought his Legend skin
Let's say you suddenly got 1,000,000 primogems but here's the catch
Not strong enough to be a leader but not weak enough to be a follower
J-types and Si users - how much do you actually follow plans?
Ahon 15 Day 3 - Rapido vs Mastafeat - Predictions
End season in less than 24 hours! How’s your stats?
What I learned from using Lukas.
At least it's full star
[repost because galaxy chat made a wrong translation] Castorice MAY have changes in v4 via Shiroha
what type do you think would make the most compelling villain?
Some MLBB x Naruto fanart, back in 2020
How to play Roam?
Updated Castorice calcs V3
What hero skin you just see in the enemy team that makes you not want to play that match?
What are your Fliptop’s unpopular opinions or hot takes?
"Less of a 'Who’s Stronger?' and more of a 'Who’s More Likely to Inspire You Into Battle?'"
How do you farm Chasca's domain?
2 more collabs coming soon (either anime or something else)
New head icon skins : Miya, Phoveus, Yin
Kings of prep time: Dr Doom and Batman. Who wins if both have 1 month?