First time watcher (No spoilers plz)
Lost Cat Please Help She's Very Stupid
Hathaway is my "literally me" character. Who's yours?
Their relationship is so weird and I love it, also Zechs is the best Char clone
What would you name yourself if you were a Culture ship?
A few more designs from GQuuuuuX Artbook
EVA can go
How would you rate the Feathered Wing Unit (MSGW: EW) from 1-10? (Daily Main Gundam Gimmicks Poll DAY 20)
Would a Culture citizen's requests be thought as "whimsical" in our world?
tell me your fav Gundam (in terms of mobile suit and only Gundams)
Looking for a Minifig Painter for Hire
I ended up updating this gundam tier list, so what do you all think about it or something
What kind of drink will you put in this?
Ludwig Wittgenstein, "On Gregory Jreg Guevara"
Dump AVGO and TSM, Buy NVDA?
Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance Trailer 2
Favorite Blue MS?
I would like to hear what your name would be as a ship. (original pls)
What gundam topic make you think this?
What is the most obscure piece of Star Wars lore you know that most others might not know?
What's the Publication Class for...
My friends put me up to this. Guess. I am Jregged and Community-Pilled
I’m a new mod here, hi y’all 👋
For those who read Consider Phlebas first At what point did you realize we were the baddies?
Anthropoid coffin of the priest Ankhefenkhonsu.