What is a 100% legal scam that we still accept as normal?
Fastrak taking money out everyday
Why is this happening?
Sad to see my X5 go😞
Unpopular opinion: Bay area drivers are pretty good.
Safeway, couldn't you just say 50% off? Why do I need to buy TEN pints of ice cream to get a discount?
First tat 1 1/2 Month Healed
Recommendations for MTB riding shoes.
Military Helicopters
Pool Safety
Is this a steal of a deal or no? 1.75 ct natural Diamond stud earrings at pawn shop for $1000
I recently came into possession of this necklace and I want to sell it but I don't know what the best way to go about it is
Not pulling up to red lights or leaving large gaps between cars in wait
Are these earrings I got my girlfriend (25) too petite or "dainty"?
Wedding Band Review
Bourbon crash!?
X5 Owners: 6 cyl vs V8
I need help from gold experts
Real shit. How come I never see anyone jetski on the bay?
Which bike: Polygon Siskiu T8 vs Stumpjumper Alloy vs Rocky Mountain Instinct A10
PG&E out here gaslighting me
What is in this tub?
Letter from PG&E CEO